Free web hosting user's review posts are 4,610 posts.
Uhosting [FI](Inactive) reviewed by uHosting, IP 193.219.141.X, When 23 Sep 10 : Rated= N/A
If you want you can get higher space/bandwitch plans by posting
PandaPoint [FI](Inactive) reviewed by raman, IP 27.248.70.X, When 23 Sep 10 : Rated= 1site is closed for some day
PerfectZ [FI](Inactive) reviewed by, IP 196.25.255.X, When 23 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
Trust me when i say that ive been around the www to find free website hosting services. there are a lot out there but none of them are as comprehensive as and its totally absulutely FREE! PeRfEcTz keep up the good work
0000Free [FI](Inactive) reviewed by TDBke, IP 213.49.112.X, When 22 Sep 10 : Rated= 9
About 4 months ago I started playing game again (against better judgment, lol). Soon after I began playing I went into a group of players and off course, they had forums. Though I didn't really began playing the game for the game, I began for the human interaction, the forums, stuff like that.
After a rather short time I became there forum administrator and instantly complained about many things regarding those forums (uptime, reliability, hosting support, ...).
After about 1 month I began to create own forums (IPB) on my private hosting and got everything there up and running in no time. Yet, everybody refuged to let me do those forums on my private hosting (don't ask me why though).
Since then I've been searching the net for a descent hosting, a free hosting.
I've tested so many hostings that I don' recall most of their names. Yet, after a very long search I've come across hosting. After reading all what they offer, I checked their forums.
Noted that there was quick support reply, that there was a good interaction between staff and members. Taking a better look at what they offered I thought to myself to give it a shot, had nothing to lose, everything to gain...
Registration went very smoothly and after an hour or 2 I noted my account being activated. Tested the speed of the hosting, of the ftp, cpanel, ..., ... Couldn't really believe what I noted as it was very comparable to what I have on my paid hostings.
Recently had a minor downtime of the hosting itself (nobody is perfect) and crew members responded to that very quickly and resolved the downtime in a very short amount of time.
I for one am truly pleased that I'm allowed to do my hostings at and they do not ask anything in return (except getting your site up within 2 weeks). Where I'm from (Belgium) we have to pay for everything. Yes, you read that right, for everything that you can think about.
So at first I was very skeptical about everything, also due to the many other free hostings that I have tested the past months for the forums. IPB 3 forums do request more php memory limit then 75 % of the free hostings do offer (recommended 128 MB). So far, this hosting is the only hosting which is free that is capable of hosting my forums with a very good speed. No banners or any sort of ads.
I give this hosting 9 out of 10, not because it doesn't deserve a 10, but nothing is perfect. If it's now a paid hosting or a free hosting, nothing in the world is truly perfect...
I do recommend this hosting to everyone, as from my point of view, this is the best (or one of) free hostings there or. At least, this is so far the best free hosting I’ve seen…
It’s a living community which helps there members in a very quick way. They give recommendations, assist you, in case you run into problems they are there for you to help you in every way they can help you. Even technical questions are answered in a fast and professional way.
In case you wish to see my forums that I host there, you can check this link: and you’ll see the speed these forums have
Kind regards
0000Free [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Bill Bathke, IP 65.31.146.X, When 22 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
Excellent feature set, easy to manage installers, and unbelievably responsive sysops!
Host-ed [FI](Inactive) reviewed by, IP 93.152.185.X, When 22 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
I've been them for almost 1 year. I've only had to use customer service a couple of times, but the response was outstanding both times. I've asked them questions and gotten very quick and knowledgeable responses. They also have very helpful forums. I would recommend without hesitation.
Host-ed [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Straganovski, IP 109.169.49.X, When 22 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
The setup is super fast and support is so good.and good offers also sites are also so fast to browse
Host-ed [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Ani, IP 192.251.226.X, When 22 Sep 10 : Rated= 10 is a good and stable host with all the features you will ever need. The customer service is superb, it is much better than you would expect form a host in this price range.
0000Free [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Happy Hilo, IP 62.141.53.X, When 20 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
It's funny that every time there is a bad review, that there are good ones for host-ed *scratches head*. Maybe if you spent more time making a great free hosting service instead of bashing others you'd get so many good reviews too. To the doubtful, 0000free is the best free host to date - no BS. I've gone through 10-15 in the past few years, so I know. I will always stand up for this host, they are that good!
Host-ed [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Silvio79, IP 208.53.142.X, When 20 Sep 10 : Rated= 9
An excellent full-service domain and site host. The servers never seem to fail, great up-time. Excellent response to customer concerns; you can always speak to a real person when you phone, and any problems are always resolved quickly and courteously.
0000Free [FI](Inactive) reviewed by FakeReviews, IP 93.152.185.X, When 20 Sep 10 : Rated= 1
Never in my entire life have I see so many fake reviews for one web host. You simply cannot have all your positive reviews with a mark 10 and alll of the reviews written in similar style
Oni [FI](Inactive) reviewed by, IP 173.175.23.X, When 20 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
best free hosting provider
Host-ed [FI](Inactive) reviewed by THT, IP 194.154.227.X, When 19 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
I just sign up with that provider and I am impressed how easy their control panel is and how my account was approve instantly with not hassle.
Host-ed [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Mitchelclarck, IP 174.36.199.X, When 19 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
Thanks guys you are the best you hosted my site for more than 2 years for free with no serious service interruption except for 1 time when my site was slow, but it was for just 1 hour.
0000Free [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Abdul Sahil M., IP 208.53.142.X, When 17 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
Good for me a lot, like great hosting here and cPanel. number one so far!
Oni [FI](Inactive) reviewed by bigsun, IP 72.178.93.X, When 17 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
like it
0000Free [FI](Inactive) reviewed by David Black, IP x.x.x.X, When 17 Sep 10 : Rated= N/A
If you are looking for free web hosting, look no further. These
guys are as helpful as possible. You can have advertising on your
site. No ads that you dont want. All this for the low low price of
FREE!!! how could you want more???
000Site [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Ziming, IP 142.103.168.X, When 15 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
Great features, very fast, i would recommend to all. [FI](Inactive) reviewed by, IP 125.115.2.X, When 14 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
it seems that the IP for visit users website is blocked by chinese firewall.
so I can't use this free web hosting. a pity.
I have tested ftp can work, and there is no file size limit.
AwardSpace [FI](Inactive) reviewed by Richard McSwain, IP 99.196.252.X, When 10 Sep 10 : Rated= 10
I have used Awardspace Hosting for over five years, and I just wanted to compliment you on the excellent service you provide. My sites are never down and I never experience server issues. On the few occasions when I have required technical assistance, the support staff was courteous and knowledgeable, and resolved my issues very quickly. I recommend Awardspace to all my clients, and I would not consider hosting my own sites with any other host. Thanks for the great service Awardspace, and I look forward to many more years as a happy Awardspace customer.